Tuesday, December 12, 2017

After having thought for months and months about a business idea we approached many web designers and web developers in Kenya to help us build our Safari blog. Our sole purpose of having the blog was to earn revenue from adsense. Safari is a lucrative business in Kenya and the numbers of searches related to Safari keywords are astonishing. We wanted to be able to get a share of the pie through our blog. 

We had all the research done, the first few posts written in Microsoft Word and were waiting for a website in order to post the content and apply for Adsense. Approaching many web designers we got many quotes, however one agency stood out by sending us a questionnaire rather than a quote. From the questionnaire it was clear that rather than throwing a website at our face, the agency actually wanted to understand what we needed and deliver a tailor made solution. We filled the questionnaire and immediately got great feedback.

During the process of design from the time we filled the questionnaire to the final touches on the website we were involved in the whole process. We were advised every now and then on how to go about our business. For example: we had planned to apply for google adsense immediately after registering the domain and purchasing hosting. Iweb advised us against it. We were told that if you apply for adsense on a fresh account, it is highly likely to get rejected. We should first post content, perform some basic SEO and then get some organic traffic before applying for adsense.

We had high expectations from the blog and initially had thought of becoming millionaires overnight. Iweb were instrumental in guiding us and asking us to lower our expectations. They gave us realistic projections for income from adsense in the coming months. It was so low in the start that we wanted to drop off the project. We were however kept motivated and we decided to finish the project.

It took us a month to get up at least 10 articles, we then did on page SEO, reached out to a few related blogs and requested for some backlinks. Initially we got 2 backlinks. We then applied for adsense and approved. We were over the moon at this point. We then kept posting content. At this point Iweb was mostly out of the picture as we had been trained on how to update the website. Our adsense revenue was a few cents in the first few months. However as we kept posting content, our articles kept being indexed and organic traffic started flowing. We went from $10 a month to $13 to about $20 and gradually increased to $100 a month by the end of the year. It took us about 1 year to break even on initial costs such as web design, hosting and domain name. We were creating our own content and hence the cost there was the time that we input. If we did a minimum wage job for a month, we would probably make more than we did in our first year. However the second year was completely different, as our user base grew, our quality of articles improved with experience, we write for high cpc keywords, our earnings skyrocketed.

Iweb projections were extremely helpful for the first year, as anyone who was just starting out in blogging for money might have quit easily.

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